Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Avoid Excessive Sweating while Sleep

Excessive sweating at night or during sleep can make the body uncomfortable and interfere with good sleep quality. There are some things to avoid so you do not sweat excessively during sleep.

There are various causes of excessive sweating at night, like infections, menopause or medication side effects. Food and drug side effects can also cause night sweats.

Here are some things to avoid in order not to sweat at night, as reported by Livestrong, Monday (05/03/2012):

1. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is also one of the triggers sweating at night. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks and some medications. Sensitivity to caffeine every person is different and avoiding caffeine late in the day may help reduce the symptoms of excessive sweating at night.

2. Avoid spicy foods at dinner

Severe night sweats which can greatly interfere with the quality of sleep, one of which is caused by the consumption of spicy foods at night. Spicy and strong flavored foods can increase the body's metabolic system works. When this is consumed in the evening it can disrupt sleep and cause excessive sweat production.

3. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol can affect hormone levels in the body that can trigger perspiration during sleep.

4. Do not eat large evening meals

Eating large meals at night can make the digestive system is working hard, which ultimately results in body heat. Cold drink while eating or before bed can help reduce night sweats.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Less Confidents Because of Perspiration Floods

Less Confidents Because of Perspiration Floods. Sweating is the body's way to cool off the temperature remains stable. Naturally, if you sweat while in the high-temperature region, activity, or have a situation that makes nervous, angry, embarrassed, and afraid. When excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) due to overactive sweat glands, what to do?

Excessive sweating, especially in the armpit, fishing bacteria so that it appears the body odor. These abnormalities seem trivial, but it can bring discomfort, both physically and emotionally, so it makes people less confident.

The sweat produced by apocrine glands that produce viscous liquid, turbid and ekrin glands that produce a thin, clear. Apocrine glands found in hair follicles on the head, axilla, and genitalia. Ekrin glands throughout the body and there is direct contact with skin.

When body temperature rises, the central nervous system stimulates these glands to secrete fluid onto the surface of the skin to cool the body. Highly active sweat glands can be congenital. Compared to other body parts, the most active sweat glands in the skin of the armpit.

Secretion of apocrine sweat glands resulting often cause odor, especially when mixed with bacteria.

Can Be Derived

People with hyperhidrosis (diaphoresis) may be sweating, even when temperatures are low or they are at rest. Hyperhidrosis can occur or a local comprehensive. If excessive sweating occurs on the palms of the hands, feet and underarms, then it is called primary hyperhidrosis (local). Or comprehensive secondary hyperhidrosis usually associated with systemic diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, infection vague, retikulosis, and others.

In the primary hyperhidrosis cases, no cause is found. Experts suspect that defects of this type can be derived from the family. The exact cause of hyperhidrosis is unknown. It is argued that hyperhidrosis may occur due to intake of spicy foods and hot beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol stimulate the sweat glands release more fluid.

High-calorie foods, such as fat and high protein foods, if consumed in excessive amounts can lead to a less pleasant smell of sweat. Therefore, these foods can stimulate the gland secretes more sweat than the low-calorie foods.

Triggered by Stress

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by menopause. Women who enter menopause may experience hot flashes, which is an increase in skin temperature accompanied by sweating and swelter. This occurs because of decreased estrogen levels.

Some menopausal women often wake up at night because his clothes soaked with sweat.

Other causes, namely hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar levels often found in people with diabetes who take insulin or antidiabetic drugs. Early symptoms sweating, shaking, weakness, hunger, and nausea. Hypoglycemia can also occur after eating, especially in those who had undergone gastric or intestinal surgery.

Sweat is pouring also sometimes triggered by stress, emotion, or exercise, but can also occur spontaneously. On the palmar hyperhidrosis, patients moist and wet hands. This poses a social problem because each of them would shake his opponent's lead hand is wet.

Parts of the body have hyperhidrosis often pink or bluish white. In the more severe cases, the skin cracked and scaly, especially in the legs. Consumption of drugs and alcohol; heart disease, respiratory, neurological, infectious, hormonal disorders, or malignant disease can also cause symptoms of excessive sweating. When the trigger condition is overcome, then the problem of excessive sweating was completed.

Side effects

The most lightweight and safe way to overcome excessive sweating is lifestyle modification. This includes not wearing tight clothing, nylon, polyester, or wool except in cold temperatures, and hats.

For excessive sweating in the armpits can be a conservative treatment, either topical or systemic and operative. This type is widely used topical treatment without a prescription, such as the use of deodorants that contain aluminum chloride.

Deodorant can reduce sweating, but it is temporary. The resulting side effects can usually mild, such as irritation. Systemic treatment is done by providing medicine by mouth and sedative drugs to inhibit the effects of acetylcholine on the sweat glands. However, common side effects with more than hiperhidrosisnya problems, such as dry mouth, vision problems, glaucoma, hyperthermia, hypotension, and seizures.

Noteworthy is the toxic effects of anticholinergic drugs are usually reached before any effect antihidrosisnya. Meanwhile, the sedative usually does not respond even though hyperhidrosis is influenced by emotional stress.


Operative method of excessive sweating in the armpit can be done with a variety of actions, ie, subcutaneous curettage, excision and curettage partially open, wide excision, sympathectomy, and the injection of botulinum toxin A.

Subcutaneous curettage is surgery to take all the sweat glands with a maximum activity using a curette. The act of partial excision and curettage done by eliminating some of the skin with maximum sweat gland activity, and the rest is done curettage.

Wide excision is surgery to take all the sweat with a maximum activity of the skin closure is then performed.

The surgical sympathectomy is to take a sympathetic ganglion, usually performed by a neurosurgeon. Injecting botulinum toxin A can be done in the underarm area with maximum sweat gland activity.

Operative methods are more advantageous because it can obtain the therapeutic effect of a permanent or longer. Side effects that may arise as a surgical method in general, such as bleeding during or after surgery, infection, accumulation of serum, lymph node inflammation, discomfort in the upper arm, numbness, and keloids occur in people who have talent keloid.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

8 Solutions to Overcome Excessive Sweating

8 Solutions to overcome excessive sweating. Sweating is one way the body to cool down the body and moisturizes the skin. However, if the sweat that comes out too much and be fair, you need to find the best solution so as not to interfere with this condition called hyperhidrosis.

  • Choose clothes made ​​from cotton. Avoid tight clothing, made ​​from nylon, polyester, or wool.
  • Use additional footwear that can absorb sweat, and frequently changing socks.
  • Choose shoes that have air cavities, so the foot can breathe.
  • Bathe regularly and pat dry with good body.
  • Use a powder that is recommended by a physician, if on the face using baby powder.
  • Avoid foods that are too spicy. Beverages containing caffeine or alcohol can also make sweat.
  • Consult a doctor. For proper treatment you should consult your doctor. Usually the doctor will provide specific antiperspirant.
  • Besides the commonly suggested alternative doctors are:
  • Consumption of drugs such as anticholinergic that reduces hyperhidrosis in about two weeks. However, these drugs have side effects such as constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, and so forth.
  • Another way is to inject a toxin that blocks botolinum nerves that trigger sweat glands. This injection is usually within a period of 6-7 months.
  • Iontophoresis, which gives the flow of electrical current into the body so that the sweat glands can be blocked.
  • Surgery, by releasing the sweat glands. This procedure is only done in rare cases.
That's all 8 the solution to overcome excessive sweating. good luck!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Complications Due to Excessive Sweating

Complications Due to Excessive Sweating. Sweating after physical activity or exercise is normal. But what would happen if you sweat even when not doing the activity and being relaxed?

If you suffer from excessive sweating problem, then you are not alone.About 2 percent of the world's population suffer from a disorder called hyperhidrosis, or a medical term for excessive sweating condition. It is a condition in which some parts of the body to sweat more than the body's physiological needs.
Generally, sweating is an important and natural process in the body. Sweating can help in controlling the temperature and water levels in the body. But in people who have hyperhidrosis, they tend to sweat excessively from all parts of the body such as armpits, hands, forehead and face.

Causes of excessive sweating may vary based on the functional, emotional, social and psychological factors. This condition arises because a portion of the sympathetic nervous system, part of the autonomic nervous system, increased heart rate, anxiety level and blood pressure, so that trigger sweating.

Although it seems trivial, but you should still be careful. The reason, excessive sweating can lead to complications of diseases such as Mayo Clinic followed by the following:

  • Fungal nail infections: People with excessive sweating susceptible to various types of fungal infections. It is very easy due to fungi thrive in warm environmental conditions, moist, such as sweat in shoes. That's why you tend to be easier to have an infection of the nail. The advent of nail infection is generally characterized by white or yellow spot under the tip of your nail. Fungal infections of the nails can make nails discolor and thicken the skin. Even at a more advanced condition, can be dislodged nails and surrounding skin becomes red and swollen. Not infrequently, this condition also causes a slight odor.
  • Bacterial infections and warts: Hyperhidrosis can contribute to bacterial infections, especially around the hair follicles or between your toes. It is strongly associated with the appearance of warts. If you have hyperhidrosis, it may take some time to eliminate them. There is even a tendency to relapse.
  • Social and Emotional Consequences: People with hyperhidrosis often have excessive sweating on the palms of the hands and feet. Conditions often cause odor, which in turn significantly affects the psychological, social, and employment.
  • Other Skin conditions: certain skin conditions like eczema and skin rashes, occur more often in people with hyperhidrosis. Excessive perspiration can also aggravate skin inflammation. 

Recognize the Symptoms and Causes of Excessive Sweating

Symptoms and Causes of Excessive Sweating. You want to meet with a client or a date with him? Surely you want to look up. However, excessive sweating is just annoying and makes you less confident. Palm of the hand gets wet, it would make it uncomfortable when shaking hands. Clothing becomes wet with perspiration quickly, when you have "watch yourself" for not doing the activity that "invites" sweat.
Excessive sweating condition called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is the secretion or transpiration in higher numbers than necessary to cool the body. Usually people with hyperhidrosis will sweat 4-5 times more than normal. Thus, although in a cool room, your clothes wet with sweat, you may have hyperhidrosis. To recognize the symptoms, try to check some of the following indicators:
  • You sweat excessively especially on the part of the body, such as palms, armpits, scalp, soles, face area, and throughout the breast tissue.
  • Parts of the body have hyperhidrosis usually pink or bluish white, and in more severe cases the skin can be cracked and scaly, especially on the feet.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis

The cause of hyperhidrosis is not known with certainty, but experts say some of the possibilities. Hyperhidrosis is divided into two primary hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis.

Primary hyperhidrosis usually occurs in someone who has a teenager and is caused by the derivative of (genetic) factors, neurological, metabolic or systemic conditions. Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs as an adult because a number of factors:
  • Psychological factors, such as anxiety, shame, and fear.
  • Eating spicy foods and certain beverages, such as caffeine and alcohol.
  • The effects of drugs such as morphine, high doses of thyroxine, aspirin, and acetaminophen.
  • Fever, when the body temperature begins to drop.
  • In relation to certain diseases, such as heart disease, tuberculosis, and malaria.
  • Excessive activity in the sympathetic nervous system as controlling the formation of sweat.
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels.
  • Hyperthyroidism, thyroid gland produces large amounts of hormones.
  • Obesity

Complication of Hyperhidrosis
  • Fungal infections. Fungi like to grow in warm, moist environments, such as the soles of the feet and nails. The emergence of a lot of sweat could potentially make the fungus thrives.
  • Prickly heat and rashes. This occurs because the pores around the sweat glands is closed so that sweat trapped under the skin. Usually occurs on the forehead, back and chest.
  • The smell is not pleasant, especially in between toes and armpits.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Disease

Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Disease. When I was still young, I have a friend who is always both palms were sweating. Therefore, wherever he is, and wherever he went, his hand was always bandaged with a handkerchief or small towel. Without this handkerchief, he will not be able to write. Because, his palms will sweat profusely dripping from his hands and release the ink on the pad. This friend was well respected, because the bigger-boned than average and a small towel in his hand turns are similar to boxing gloves. Thus, we do not dare tease him, fear of getting a punch from him.

Now, I already know the name of this disorder; hyperhidrosis. This conditions of abundant sweating (excessive sweating) are common on the hands, feet, and underarms. The cause is hereditary (run in the family) and impinge on the 2–3 percent of the population. All normal human would sweat in hot weather, after doing a physical activity/exercise, and at the time of "emotion" (anger, fear, anxiety, or shame). However, people with hyperhidrosis was still sweating, despite the cold weather and he did not do any activity. This condition is called as primary hyperhidrosis. There is also a condition called secondary hyperhidrosis, which is an excessive sweating is caused by certain diseases.

Diseases that cause hyperhidrosis include cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hyperthyroidism (a disease "goiter"), tuberculosis, pheochromocytoma, menopause, Parkinson's disease, gout (pain "uric acid"), stroke, and others. Of course, this condition is more serious than primary hyperhidrosis.

To explore the cause of "a lot of sweat", the doctor will ask if the condition is accompanied by weight loss (in diabetes and hyperthyroidism), heart pounding like (the heart), night sweats (in tuberculosis), loss of appetite, and other.

Primary hyperhidrosis (not due to certain diseases) can be addressed according to severity. Light can be treated using anti-perspirant (anti-sweat) which shall be affixed on the body sweats. This anti-perspirant containing aluminum chloride channel that works by inhibiting perspiration (sweat duct). Aluminum chloride in high doses can cause stains on fabrics that can not be eliminated. Another way is by giving anticholinergic drug which works by preventing the stimulation of sweat glands (for example trademark Ditropan, Robinul). Drug side effects are dry mouth, feeling of floating (dizziness) and urinary disorders.

Other treatments, especially for sweaty hands and feet is iontophoresis.This is a way to provide power in the hands and feet are dipped in the water. Low-power electric current is given for 10-20 minutes in order to close the channel sweat. Iontophoresis action required about 6-10 sessions, in order to obtain optimal results. Then, there are ways to perform botox injections, especially for hyperhidrosis in the armpits. Botox is injected in the region will sweat a lot, with the results obtained are satisfactory and can last up to nine months. Treatment with Botox is now received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Agency (Food and Drug Administration)
Way of handling the more lasting is the surgery called Endoscopic Thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). Minor surgery is done by cutting the sympathetic nerves in the spinal bones in the chest (thorax). This is the sympathetic nervous control of sweating mechanism, so that the ETS will stop sweating on the palms and the face permanently. The success rate to stop the sweat on your palms around 85–95 percent.

Hyperhidrosis that seems trivial actually provides many obstacles, both psychologically, socially, and professionally. Sufferers will lose confidence in social interaction, such as shaking hands at the time. He also would have difficulty operating and holding certain tools such as knives or play a musical instrument. Also wearing shoes becomes worse. Therefore, the sweaty feet will slip inside the moccasin.

People with hyperhidrosis also have to maintain themselves with a lot of drinking. Because, hyperhydrosis this will result in dehydration / loss of body fluids.

Hopefully this simple article is beneficial to everyone, especially those who suffer from hyperhidrosis.